Join the Chamber

The Asian American Chamber of Commerce of Kansas City was formed in 1998 as a non-profit organization whose mission is to support and promote business and cultural relationships among members of the Chamber, local and national corporations, and the general public.

The Asian American Chamber of Commerce of Kansas City is the largest Asian American organization in the Greater Kansas City area.

Join us today for a better tomorrow.

Upcoming Programs

The chamber offers a variety of programs & events that would allow members to network and broaden their business perspectives.

What our members are saying...

Kyle Davis

Modus Light joined the AACC originally in 2018 to identify ways in how we could expand our business as an Asian American owned minority company. We really didn’t have any expectations as to connections the Chamber would bring. Over the last 3 years, the AACC has had an impact through the various networking events hosted which has led to extremely beneficial relationships developed not only locally but globally as well through not only individuals but organizations such as USPAAC. Being a member of the Asian American Chamber of Commerce KC I would strongly encourage not only for companies but individuals as well with the strong network and community connections that the AACC has developed with their members.

Kyle Davis
Modus Light
Ju Hui Sirithasack

I joined the AACC because an active, impactful chamber is vital to the health of our community and brings a lot of value to our community. Being an active member has provided me access to effective networks of connectors which has open the doors to new relationships for me personally and professionally for the company I work for. At the end of the day, people do business with whom they trust and the chamber is my connector.

Ju Hui Sirithasack

2025 Gala Sponsors



VIP Reception

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Benny & Edith Lee
UMKC Henry W. Bloch School of Management

Foundation Sponsor

Joseph & Jenny Melookaran

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2025 Annual Sponsors

Annual Gold Sponsors

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Annual Silver SPonsors

Black & Veatch
City of Overland Park
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
Kansas City National Security Campus Managed by Honeywell
Object Technology Solutions Inc.
Stinson LLP

Annual Bronze Sponsors

Argosy Casino Hotel & Spa
Community America Credit Union
Johnson County Government
Modus Light, LLC
Power & Light District

Community Partners

Asian American Bar Association of Kansas City
Ethnic Enrichment Commission
Filipino Association of Greater Kansas City
Fountain of Life
Heart of America Japan-America Society
India Association of Kansas City
Kansas City Chinese American Association
Kansas City Chinese Association
Korean-American Society of Kansas City
Vietnamese American Community of Greater Kansas City